Audio Visual (team) operates and maintains the audio and visual equipment for worship services, church events and for community events at LOBC as needed.
AWANA main focus is learning the truths from God's Word. Adults are needed to oversee Sparks & TNT clubbers during this Bible-centered program that blends biblical teaching, scripture memorization and tons of fun!
AWANA Kitchen (team) to help plan, purchase, prepare, and serve Wednesday night meals.
Budget & Finance (committee) oversees the administration of the church's finances and budget.
Building & Grounds, Transportation (committee) supervises the care of all buildings, grounds, furnishings, and equipment of the church. They also oversee operation and handle maintenance of church vehicles.
Children's Coordinator plans and coordinates children's events for LOBC. Supervise nursery volunteers.
Clerk and Historian is responsible for keeping an accurate record of all business meeting transactions of the church and perpares the annual report. They will keep a register of the names and address of church members, with dates of admission, dismissal, dedication of children, and deaths of members of the church family. They will keep a current written/photo history of the church.
Counting (team) is responsible for counting the money, taking it to the drop box at the bank, and preparing the deposit information for the financial secretary.
Decorating (team) provides arrangements in the worship center and fellowship hall for special occations, dinners, etc.
Fellowship, Kitchen & Benevolent (team) plans and coordinates church wide social events, oversees the use of the kitchen; coordinates a ministry to the homebound members and to those in nursing homes and assisted living. Provides meals for bereaved families of current resident members of this church.
Greeters & Ushers (team) will be stationed at all exterior doors before worship services to welcome guests and members. They will be available to those who need assistance entering and exiting the buildings, locating restrooms, preschool care, and classrooms.
Librarian organizes and supervises the library.
Men's Ministry (committee) plans and implements ministry and social opportunities for the men of the church and in our community.
Missions, Prayer & Outreach (committee) leads the members to pray for the church and its ministries. They work to develop an awareness of mission opportunities through volunteer service and mission offerings. They plan, train, and implement the ministries that reach out into the community inviting people to church and telling people about Jesus Christ.
Nominating (committee) enlists and nominate church members to fill volunteer positions of leadership and teaching on all church committees, teams, and teaching positions.
Nursery (team) volunteers to help provide two adult workers to care for children 2 years and under during worship service, Sunday brunch, and Sunday School.
Parking Lot Greeter oversees the church campus during worship service, Sunday School and as needed at other events.
Personnel (committee) determines the need for church staff including job descriptions and salary packages.
Sunday School Director oversees Sunday School and Sunday Brunch including scheduling and attendance records. Work with secretary to purchase required literature. Meets with teachers & leaders as needed.
Sunday School Teacher is responsible to prepare the lesson for their class each Sunday. Each small group leader will encourage fellowships, ministry opportunities and help them grow in the knowledge of God's Word.
Treasurer is the custodian of all funds of the church. He or she shall keep and itemized account of all receipts and disbursements and shall render a monthly and annually written report of this account to the church.
Women's Ministry (committee) plans and implements ministry and social opportunities for the women of the church inviting women from our community.
Youth (committee) work cooperatively with the Youth Staff Member to coordinate ministries and events related to youth grades 7-12.